
Alves Bandeira Group Launches New Project "Maravilhas da Nossa Terra"


The "Maravilhas da Nossa Terra" (Wonders of Our Land) project is presented as another social responsibility initiative developed by Grupo Alves Bandeira. Its purpose is to promote a closer, more conscious, and more sustainable economy through the distribution and commercialization of products produced by local producers.

Through the company Alves Bandeira and its extensive network of fuel stations spread from north to south of the country, Portuguese people can now regularly acquire 100% local products at especially attractive prices. From rice to olive oil, including canned goods and sausages, various products will be available at different times throughout each year.

In addition to reinforcing the values of proximity and Portuguese identity that characterize Grupo Alves Bandeira, this new project also has a direct impact on promoting more conscious and sustainable consumption. This is motivated by the reduction of the carbon footprint directly associated with the transportation of goods that these products usually undergo until they reach large retail stores.

"The launch of 'Maravilhas da Nossa Terra,' another nationally driven project proudly developed by our teams, demonstrates our true commitment to social responsibility and sustainability pillars, as well as to proximity and involvement with the local community and economy,” says Pedro Mascarenhas, Marketing Director of Grupo Alves Bandeira.

Alves Bandeira Group Launches New Project "Maravilhas da Nossa Terra"
